Embeddings in Rig

Rig provides a comprehensive embeddings system for converting text and other data types into numerical vector representations that can be used for semantic search, similarity comparisons, and other NLP tasks.

Core Concepts


An embedding is a vector representation of data (usually text) where semantically similar items are mapped to nearby points in the vector space. In Rig, embeddings are represented by the Embedding struct which contains:

  • The original document text
  • The vector representation as Vec<f64>

The Embedding Process

  1. Document Preparation

    • Documents implement the Embed trait
    • The TextEmbedder accumulates text to be embedded
    • Built-in implementations for common types (strings, numbers, JSON)
  2. Batch Processing

    • The EmbeddingsBuilder collects multiple documents
    • Documents are batched for efficient API calls
    • Handles concurrent embedding generation
  3. Vector Generation

    • An EmbeddingModel converts text to vectors
    • Providers like OpenAI implement the model interface
    • Results include both document text and vectors

Working with Embeddings

Basic Usage

use rig::{embeddings::EmbeddingsBuilder, providers::openai};
// Create embedding model
let model = openai_client.embedding_model("text-embedding-ada-002");
// Build embeddings
let embeddings = EmbeddingsBuilder::new(model)
    .document("Some text")? 
    .document("More text")?

Vector Operations

Rig provides several distance metrics for comparing embeddings:

  • Cosine similarity
  • Angular distance
  • Euclidean distance
  • Manhattan distance
  • Chebyshev distance


let similarity = embedding1.cosine_similarity(&embedding2, false);
let distance = embedding1.euclidean_distance(&embedding2);

Custom Types

To make your types embeddable, implement the Embed trait:

struct Document {
    title: String,
    content: String
impl Embed for Document {
    fn embed(&self, embedder: &mut TextEmbedder) -> Result<(), EmbedError> {

Best Practices

  1. Document Preparation

    • Clean and normalize text before embedding
    • Consider chunking large documents
    • Remove irrelevant embedding content
  2. Error Handling

    • Handle provider API errors gracefully
    • Validate vector dimensions
    • Check for empty or invalid input
  3. Batching

    • Use EmbeddingsBuilder for multiple documents
    • Respects provider’s max batch size
    • Automatically handles concurrent processing

See Also

API Reference (Embeddings)