Docs   ConceptsPipeline (Agentic Chain)

Pipeline Module

The Pipeline module provides a flexible API for building AI-powered processing pipelines with composable operations. Inspired by orchestration frameworks like Airflow and Dagster, it implements idiomatic Rust patterns for AI workflows.


This module defines a flexible pipeline API for defining a sequence of operations that may or may not use AI components (e.g.: semantic search, LLMs prompting, etc).

The pipeline API was inspired by general orchestration pipelines such as Airflow, Dagster and Prefect, but implemented with idiomatic Rust patterns and providing some AI-specific ops out-of-the-box along general combinators.

Pipelines are made up of one or more operations, or “ops”, each of which must implement the [Op] trait. The [Op] trait requires the implementation of only one method: call, which takes an input and returns an output. The trait provides a wide range of combinators for chaining operations together.

One can think of a pipeline as a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) where each node is an operation and the edges represent the data flow between operations. When invoking the pipeline on some input,

  • rig-core/src/pipeline/ [1-13]
  • Core Concepts

    Operations (Ops)

    Operations are the building blocks of pipelines. Each operation:

    • Takes an input
    • Performs processing
    • Returns an output
    • Implements the Op trait
    use rig::pipeline::{self, Op};
    // Simple operation that adds two numbers
    let add_op = pipeline::new()
        .map(|(x, y)| x + y);
    // Operation with async processing
    let async_op = pipeline::new()
        .then(|x| async move { x * 2 });

    Pipeline Structure

    Pipelines form a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) where:

    • Nodes represent operations
    • Edges represent data flow between operations
    • Input flows from root to leaf nodes
    • Output is returned from the final node

    Example DAG visualization:

    Basic Usage

    Sequential Operations

    Chain operations that execute one after another:

    use rig::pipeline::{self, Op};
    let pipeline = pipeline::new()
        .map(|(x, y)| x + y)     // Add numbers
        .map(|z| z * 2)          // Double result
        .map(|n| n.to_string()); // Convert to string
    let result =, 3)).await;
    assert_eq!(result, "16");

    Parallel Operations

    Execute multiple operations concurrently using the parallel! macro:

    rig-core/src/pipeline/ [196:208]
                values_and_positions: [
                    $current ( $($underscores)* + )
                munching: []
        // Recursion step: map each value with its "position" (underscore count).
            // Accumulate a token for each future that has been expanded: "_ _ _".
            current_position: [

    AI-Specific Operations

    RAG Pipeline Example

    Build a Retrieval-Augmented Generation pipeline:

    use rig::pipeline::{self, Op};
    let pipeline = pipeline::new()
        // Parallel: Query embedding & document lookup
            lookup::<_, _, Document>(vector_store, 3)
        // Format context
        .map(|(query, docs)| format!(
            "Query: {}\nContext: {}", 
        // Generate response

    Extraction Pipeline

    Extract structured data from text:

    use rig::pipeline::{self, Op};
    #[derive(Deserialize, JsonSchema)]
    struct Sentiment {
        score: f64,
        label: String,
    let pipeline = pipeline::new()
        .map(|text| format!("Analyze sentiment: {}", text))
        .extract::<_, _, Sentiment>(extractor);

    Error Handling

    The module provides the TryOp trait for operations that may fail:

        /// let result = op.try_batch_call(2, vec![2, 4]).await;
        /// assert_eq!(result, Ok(vec![3, 5]));
        /// ```
        fn try_batch_call<I>(
            n: usize,
            input: I,
        ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Vec<Self::Output>, Self::Error>> + Send
            I: IntoIterator<Item = Self::Input> + Send,
            I::IntoIter: Send,
            Self: Sized,
            use stream::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
            async move {

    Advanced Features

    Custom Operations

    Implement the Op trait for custom operations:

    struct CustomOp;
    impl Op for CustomOp {
        type Input = String;
        type Output = Vec<String>;
        async fn call(&self, input: Self::Input) -> Self::Output {

    Batch Processing

    Process multiple inputs concurrently:

    let pipeline = pipeline::new()
        .map(|text| analyze_sentiment(text));
    // Process 5 documents concurrently
    let results = pipeline.batch_call(5, documents).await;

    Best Practices

    1. Composability: Design operations to be modular and reusable
    2. Error Handling: Use TryOp for operations that may fail
    3. Resource Management: Consider batch processing for multiple inputs
    4. Testing: Unit test individual operations before combining
    5. Documentation: Document expected inputs/outputs for each operation

    See Also

    API Reference (Pipeline)